The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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449 lines
0100 hadrotes {had-rot'-ace}
from hadros (stout); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - abundance (1)
1) bountiful collection, great abundance
2) thickness, ripeness, fullness, especially of the body
0101 adunateo {ad-oo-nat-eh'-o}
from 102; TDNT - 2:284,186; vb
AV - be impossible (2)
1) impossible
1a) not to have strength, power, or ability, to be weak
1b) can not be done, to be impossible
0102 adunatos {ad-oo'-nat-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 1415; TDNT - 2:284,186; adj
AV - impossible (6)
- impotent (1)
- could not do (1)
- weak (1)
- not possible (1) [10]
1) without strength, impotent, powerless, weakly, disabled
2) unable to be done, impossible
0103 ado {ad'-o}'
a primary verb; TDNT - 1:163,24; vb
AV - sing (5)
1) to the praise of anyone, to sing
0104 aei {ah-eye'}
from an obsolete primary noun (apparently meaning continued
duration); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - alway (4)
- always (3)
- ever (1) [8]
1) perpetually, incessantly
2) invariably, at any and every time
0105 aetos {ah-et-os'}
from the same as 109; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - eagle (4)
1) an eagle
2) an eagle as a standard (Roman Military)
0106 azumos {ad'-zoo-mos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 2219; TDNT - 2:902,302; adj
AV - unleavened bread (8)
- unleavened (1) [9]
1) unfermented, free from leaven or yeast
0107 Azor {ad-zore'}
of Hebrew origin [compare 5809]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Azor (2)
1) Azor meaning "a helper," son of Eliakim, in the line of our
Lord. Mat. 1:13,14.
0108 Azotos {ad'-zo-tos}
of Hebrew origin [795]; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Azodus (1)
1) Ashdod meaning "a stronghold," Acts 8:40 ; one of the five
confederate cities of the Philistines, situated about 30 miles
from the southern frontier of Palestine, three from the
Mediterranean Sea, and nearly midway between Gaza and Joppa.
It was assigned to the tribe of Judah, Jos.15:47, but was
never subdued by the Israelites. Its chief importance arose
from its position on the high road from Palestine to Egypt. It
is now an insignificant village, with no memorials of its
ancient importance, but is still call Esdud.
2) lying between Ashkelon and Jamnia
0109 aer {ah-ayr'}
from aemi (to breathe unconsciously, i.e. respire; by analogy, to
blow); TDNT - 1:165,25; n m
AV - air (7)
1) the air, particularly the lower and denser air as
distinguished from the higher and rarer air
2) the atmospheric region
0110 athanasia {ath-an-as-ee'-ah}
from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and 2288;
TDNT - 3:7,312; n f
AV - immortality (3)
1) undying, immortality, everlasting
0111 athemitos {ath-em'-ee-tos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of themis
(statute, from the base of 5087); TDNT - 3:65,25; adj
AV - unlawful thing (1)
- abominable (1) [2]
1) contrary to law and justice, prohibited by law, illicit,
0112 atheos {ath'-eh-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and 2316; TDNT - 3:65,322; adj
AV - without God (1)
1) without God, knowing and worshipping no God, denying the
gods, esp. the recognised gods of the state: generally
godless, ungodly
2) abandoned by the gods
0113 athesmos {ath'-es-mos}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087 (in the
sense of enacting); TDNT - 1:167,25; adj
AV - wicked (2)
1) one who breaks through the restraint of law and gratifies his
0114 atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}
from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of
5087; TDNT - 8:152,1176; vb
AV - despise (8)
- reject (4)
- bring to nothing (1)
- frustrate (1)
- disannul (1)
- cast off (1) [16]
1) to do away with, to set aside, disregard
2) to thwart the efficacy of anything, nullify, make void,
3) to reject, to refuse, to slight.
0115 athetesis {ath-et'-ay-sis}
from 114; TDNT - 8:152,1176; n f
AV - disannulling (1)
- to put away + 1519 (1) [2]
1) abolition, disannulling, put away, rejection
0116 Athenai {ath-ay-nahee}
plural of Athene (the goddess of wisdom, who was reputed to have
founded the city); TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Athens (4)
1) Athens meaning "uncertainty", a famous city in Greece; the
capital of Attica, and the chief seat of learning and
civilisation during the golden period of the history of
0117 Athenaios {ath-ay-nah'-yos}
from 116; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - Athenians (1)
- of Athens (1) [2]
1) a person who lives in Athens, an Athenian
0118 athleo {ath-leh'-o}
from athlos (a contest in the public lists); TDNT - 1:167,25; vb
AV - strive (2)
1) to engage in a contest, contend in public games, contend for
a prize
2) to endure, suffer
0119 athlesis {ath'-lay-sis}
from 118; TDNT - 1:167,25; n f
AV - fight (1)
1) to contest, to combat, to strive, struggle, hard trial
0120 athumeo {ath-oo-meh'-o}
from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and 2372;
TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - be discouraged (1)
1) to be disheartened, dispirited, broken in spirit
0121 athoos {ath'-o-os}
from 1 (as a negative particle) and probably a derivative of 5087
(meaning a penalty); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - innocent (2)
1) not guilty, innocent, unpunished
0122 aigeos {ah'-ee-ghi-os}
from aix (a goat); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - goatskin + 1192 (1)
1) of a goat, goatskin
0123 aigialos {ahee-ghee-al-os'}
from aisso (to rush) and 251 (in the sense of the sea);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - shore (6)
1) the shore of the sea, the beach
0124 Aiguptios {ahee-goop'-tee-os}
from 125; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - Egyptian (3)
- Egyptians (2) [5]
1) an Egyptian
0125 Aiguptos {ah'-ee-goop-tos}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Egypt (24)
1) Egypt meaning "double straits" is a country occupying the
northeast angle of Africa. It is divided into upper Egypt --
valley of the Nile, and lower Egypt.
0126 aidios {ah-id'-ee-os}
from 104; TDNT - 1:168,25; adj
AV - eternal (1)
- everlasting (1) [2]
1) eternal, everlasting
0127 aidos {ahee-doce'}
perhaps from 1 (as a negative particle) and 1492 (through the
idea of downcast eyes); TDNT - 1:169,26; n f
AV - shamefacedness (1)
- reverence (1) [2]
1) a sense of shame or honour, modesty, bashfulness, reverence,
regard for others, respect
0128 Aithiops {ahee-thee'-ops}
from aitho (to scorch) and ops (the face, from 3700);
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n m
AV - Ethiopian (2)
1) an Ethiopian
0129 haima {hah'-ee-mah}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - 1:172,26; n m
AV - blood (99)
1) blood
2) blood shed, to be shed by violence, slay, murder
0130 haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}
from 129 and a derivative of 1632; TDNT - 1:172,26; n f
AV - shedding of blood (1)
1) shedding of blood
0131 haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}
from 129 and 4482; TDNT - omitted,omitted; vb
AV - diseased with an issue of blood (1)
1) to suffer from a flow of blood, to have a discharge of blood,
to lose blood
0132 Aineas {ahee-neh'-as}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr m
AV - Aeneas (2)
1) Aeneas meaning "laudable", name of a paralytic cured by Peter
at Lydia.
0133 ainesis {ah'-ee-nes-is}
from 134; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - praise (1)
1) praise, a thank offering
0134 aineo {ahee-neh'-o}
from 136; TDNT - 1:177,27; vb
AV - praise (9)
1) to praise, extol, to sing praises in honour to God
2) to allow, recommend
3) to promise or vow
0135 ainigma {ah'-ee-nig-ma}
from a derivative of 136 (in its primary sense); TDNT - 1:178,27; n n
AV - darkly + 1722 (1)
1) an obscure saying, enigma, riddle
2) an obscure thing
0136 ainos {ah'-ee-nos}
apparently a prime word, properly, a story, but used in the sense
of 1868; TDNT - omitted,27; n m
AV - praise (2)
1) a saying, proverb
2) praise, laudatory discourse
0137 Ainon {ahee-nohn'}
of Hebrew origin [a derivative of 5869, place of springs];
TDNT - omitted,omitted; n pr loc
AV - Aenon (1)
1) Aenon meaning "springs", name of a place "near to Salim" at
which John baptised. Jn. 3:23. It was evidently west of
Jordan, (Cp. 3:22, 3:26, 1:28) and abounded with water. It is
said to be eight miles south of Scythopolis, "near Salem and
the Jordan".
0138 haireomai {hahee-reh'-om-ahee}
probably akin to 142; TDNT - 1:180,27; vb
AV - choose (3)
1) to take for oneself, to prefer, choose
2) to choose by vote, elect to office
0139 hairesis {hah'-ee-res-is}
from 138; TDNT - 1:180,27; n f
AV - sect (5)
- heresy (4) [9]
1) act of capturing, capture eg storming a city
2) choosing, choice
3) that which is chosen
4) a body of men following their own tenets (sect or party) eg
5) dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims
0140 hairetizo {hahee-ret-id'-zo}
from a derivative of 138; TDNT - omitted,27; vb
AV - choose (1)
1) to choose
2) to belong to a sect
0141 hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}
from the same as 140; TDNT - 1:180,27; adj
AV - that is a heretic (1)
1) fitted or able to take or choose a thing
2) schismatic, factious, a follower of a false doctrine
3) heretic
0142 airo {ah'-ee-ro}
a primary root; TDNT - 1:185,28; vb
AV - take up (32)
- take away (25)
- take (25)
- away with (5)
- lift up (4)
- bear (3)
- misc (8) [102]
1) to raise up, elevate, lift up
2) to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up
3) to bear away what has been raised, carry off
0143 aisthanomai {ahee-sthan'-om-ahee}
of uncertain derivation; TDNT - 1:187,29; vb
AV - perceive (1)
1) to sense by the bodily senses
2) to perceive with the mind, understand
0144 aisthesis {ah'-ee-sthay-sis}
from 143; TDNT - 1:187,29; n f
AV - judgement (1)
1) perception, cognition, discernment
0145 aistheterion {ahee-sthay-tay'-ree-on}
from a derivative of 143; TDNT - 1:187,29; n n
AV - senses (1)
1) faculty of the mind for perceiving, understanding, judging
0146 aischrokerdes {ahee-skhrok-er-dace'}
from 150 and kerdos (gain); TDNT - omitted,omitted; adj
AV - greedy of filthy lucre (2)
- given to filthy lucre (1) [3]
1) eager for base gain, greedy for money
0147 aischrokerdos {ahee-skhrok-er-doce'}
adverb from 146; TDNT - omitted,omitted; adv
AV - for filthy lucre (1)
1) eagerness for base gain
0148 aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}
from 150 and 3056; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n f
AV - filthy communication (1)
1) foul speaking, low and obscene speech
0149 aischron {ahee-skhron'}
neuter of 150; TDNT - omitted,omitted; n n
AV - shame (3)
1) shame, base, dishonourable